About FarmAssessment.com
FarmAssessment.com was launched as a source to help farmers obtain and keep farm status on their property. Services include all aspects from farm start ups, developing farms, active farms, and Farm Class defense through the Property Assessment Review Panel (PARP) and the Property Assessment Appeal Board (PAAB).
The site was developed by Aubrey Grace founder of Farm Assessment Consultancy and a former BC Assessment employee for 22 years. During his tenure he managed assessments for residential, commercial, development land, recreational, acreage, and farm properties. In addition to managing assessments from year-to-year, he also was heavily involved in defending assessments through public, Agent and Assessor appeals.

Got Questions? Get In Touch.
If you have questions on how our services can help you get and keep Farm Class, send us a message with your questions.
Questions regarding your farm status or getting Farm Class on your property can be answered through a consultation session. If you have specific questions related to obtaining farm status on your property, please book a consultation time.
[email protected]